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Privacy Policy.

This privacy notice pertains to SOKOLDEV Ltd. Throughout this document, the terms "we," "our," or "us" refer to SOKOLDEV Ltd. We are a registered company (number 14746629) based in the United Kingdom, with our registered office located at 128 City Road, London EC1V 2NX, United Kingdom.


The purpose of this privacy notice is to inform you about the collection and processing of information that we obtain from you or that you provide to us. This includes both personally identifiable information ("personal information") and non-identifiable information. When we refer to "process" in this notice, it encompasses activities such as collecting, storing, transferring, using, or taking any action related to information. This notice also explains your privacy rights and the legal safeguards in place to protect you.

We are fully committed to protecting your privacy and upholding the strict confidentiality of your personal information. Our policy is not merely a compliance exercise; it is an extension of our respect for you and your personal information. We commit to keeping all the information you provide to us confidential and hope for the same reciprocal approach from you.

Our policy adheres to the Data Protection Act 2018 (the "Act"), which incorporates the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). By informing you about your rights and our obligations concerning the processing and control of your personal data, we fulfil our legal requirements. To access this information, please visit http://www.sokoldev.co.uk.

Except as specified below, we do not share, sell, or disclose any information collected through our website to third parties.

1. Data Protection Officer:

We have designated a data protection officer (DPO) responsible for ensuring compliance with our policy. If you have any questions regarding this privacy notice or wish to exercise your legal rights, please contact our DPO.

2. Processed Data:

We have the potential to gather, utilise, retain, and transmit diverse forms of personal data concerning you. We have organised these into the following categories:

  • Your identity: This includes details such as your first name, last name, title, date of birth, and any other identifiers you have provided.

  • Your contact information: This encompasses your billing address, delivery address, email address, telephone numbers, and any other communication-related details you have shared with us.

  • Your financial data: This comprises information such as your bank account and payment card details.

  • Transaction data: This pertains to specifics about payments or communications to and from you, as well as information about products and services you have purchased from us.

    3. Technical Data:

Includes details such as your internet protocol (IP) address, browser type and version, time zone configuration and location, versions of browser plug-ins, operating system, and other relevant technologies associated with the devices you use to access our website.

4. Profile Information: 

The information stored in your profile encompasses various aspects, including your username and password, purchase history, order details, personal interests, preferences, feedback, and responses to surveys.

5. Marketing Data: 

Marketing data pertains to your preferences regarding receiving marketing communications from us, your communication preferences, as well as your responses and actions related to the use of our services.

We may also collect and aggregate anonymous data, such as statistical or demographic information, for various purposes. Anonymous data does not personally identify you as an individual. Aggregated data may be generated from your personal data, but it is not considered personal information according to the law, as it does not reveal your identity. For instance, we may aggregate profile data to assess interest in a specific product or service.

However, if we combine or link aggregated data with your personal information in a way that can identify you, we treat the combined data as personal information and handle it in accordance with this privacy notice.

6. Special Personal Information: 

Special personal information includes data concerning your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, health information, genetic and biometric data, as well as information about criminal convictions and offences. Please note that we do not collect any special personal information about you.

7. Importance of Providing Personal Information: 

In situations where we are required by law or have a contractual obligation to collect personal data from you, if you fail to provide the requested information, we may not be able to fulfil our obligations or provide certain services to you. Should this situation arise, we will duly inform you.

8. Legal Bases for Processing Personal Information:

The law mandates that we determine the legal basis for processing different categories of your personal information and inform you of the basis for each category. If a specific basis for processing your personal information is no longer applicable, we will promptly cease processing your data. In the event of any changes to the basis, we will notify you, as required by law, and inform you of any new basis that allows us to continue processing your information.

9. Information Processed Due to Contractual Obligations: 

When you create an account on our website, make a purchase, or agree to our terms and conditions, a contractual relationship is established between you and us. To fulfil our obligations under that contract, we need to process the information you provide, some of which may be personal information. This information may be used to verify your identity for security purposes, facilitate product sales, provide services to you, and offer suggestions and advice on products, services, and website usage. We process this information based on the existence of a contract between us, or upon your request for us to use the information prior to entering into a legal contract. We will continue processing this information until the contract ends or is terminated by either party, according to the terms of the contract.

10. Consent-based Information Processing:

When you engage in certain actions on our website or request additional information about our business, including job opportunities, products, and services, where there is no contractual relationship between us, you provide consent for us to process personal information.

If you have explicitly given us permission, we may occasionally share your name and contact details with selected associates who offer services or products that may be beneficial to you.

We will continue to process your information based on your consent until you withdraw it or when it can be reasonably assumed that your consent is no longer valid.

You can withdraw your consent at any time by notifying us via email. However, please note that by doing so, you may no longer be able to utilise our website or access our services.

11. Processing Information Based on Legitimate Interests:

We may process information when there is a legitimate interest, either to you or to us, in doing so.

Before processing your information on this basis, we carefully consider the following factors:

  • Whether the same objective could be achieved through alternative methods

  • Whether processing or not processing your information might cause harm

  • Whether you would reasonably expect us to process your data, and whether it would be reasonable for us to do so

For example, we may process your data based on legitimate interests for purposes such as:

  • Maintaining records necessary for the proper administration of our business

  • Responding to unsolicited communications from you, where a response is expected

  • Protecting and asserting the legal rights of any party

  • Obtaining professional advice or insurance to manage business risks

  • Protecting your interests when we believe we have a duty to do so

    12. Legal Obligation-based Information Processing:

In certain cases, we are obligated by law to process your information to comply with statutory requirements.

For instance, we may be required to disclose your personal information to legal authorities if they make a request supported by proper authorization, such as a search warrant or court order.

13. Payment-related Information

Card Payments:

We never directly collect or receive card payment information through our website.

Direct Debit Payments:

When you agree to set up a direct debit arrangement, the information you provide is securely passed to our own bank for processing in accordance with our instructions.

14. Job Applications and Employment:

If you submit information for a job application, we may retain it for up to three years in case we decide to contact you at a later date.

During your employment, if you are hired, we collect information relevant to your work on an ongoing basis. This information will only be used for purposes directly related to your employment. After your employment ends, we will retain your file for six years before securely destroying or deleting it.

15. Communication with us:

When you reach out to us, whether by phone, through our website, or via email, we collect the information you provide to us in order to respond with the necessary information. We retain a record of your inquiry and our response to enhance the efficiency of our business operations. To ensure a high-quality service, we store personally identifiable information associated with your message, such as your name and email address, to track our communication with you.

16. Filing a complaint:

Upon receiving a complaint, we document all the details you provide. This information is utilised to address and resolve your complaint effectively. If your complaint requires us to contact another individual, we may disclose certain information from your complaint to that person. However, we exercise discretion in such instances, minimising the frequency and extent of information shared. We may also generate statistical reports based on the information gathered from complaints to assess the quality of our services. These reports do not contain personally identifiable information about you or any other individual.

17. Affiliate and business partner information:

This refers to information provided by you as an affiliate or business partner. It enables us to identify visitors referred to us by you and properly credit you with any commission due for such referrals. This information is solely used for these purposes and is not utilised for any other reason. We commit to maintaining the confidentiality of this information and the terms of our relationship. We expect our affiliates and partners to agree to this policy as well.

Use of information collected through automated systems when visiting our website

18. - 20. Cookies - please refer to our cookie policy for more details.

Disclosure and sharing of your information

21. Information obtained from third parties:

While we do not disclose your personal information to any third party, there are instances where we receive data indirectly derived from your personal information from third-party service providers we engage with. However, this information does not personally identify you.

22. Credit reference:

To combat fraudulent activities, we may share information with credit reference agencies concerning clients or customers who have instructed their credit card issuers to initiate chargebacks without providing an acceptable reason or allowing us the opportunity to issue a refund.

23. Processing Data outside the European Union:

Our websites are based and hosted within the United Kingdom.

Occasionally, we may utilise outsourced services from countries outside the European Union for certain aspects of our business operations.

Therefore, data collected within the UK or any other country may be processed outside the European Union.

For instance, some of the software used on our website may have been developed in the United States of America or Australia.

In order to safeguard your data when it is transferred outside the European Union, we have implemented the following measures:

  • The processor is part of the same corporate group as our business and adheres to the same binding corporate rules for data processing.

  • Our contracts with data processors include data protection clauses that have been drafted or approved by a supervisory authority in the European Union.

  • We adhere to a code of conduct that has been approved by a supervisory authority within the European Union.

  • We are certified under an approved certification mechanism as provided for in the relevant regulations.

  • If applicable, both our organisation and the processor are public authorities that have a legally binding agreement or approved administrative arrangements from a supervisory authority in the European Union regarding the protection of your information.

Control over your personal information

23. Responsibility to inform us of changes:

To ensure the accuracy and currency of the personal data we hold about you, it is important that you inform us of any changes to your personal information.

24. Access to your personal information:

You have the right to review or update the personally identifiable information we hold about you by signing in to your account on our website.

If you require any information that is not provided on our website, please contact us to make a request.

Upon receiving your request, we will inform you of the expected timeframe for providing the information and whether any fees are applicable.

25. Removal of your information:

If you wish to have your personally identifiable information removed from our website, please contact us to submit your request.

Please note that this may limit the services we can provide to you.

26. Verification of your information:

When we receive any request to access, modify, or delete personally identifiable information, we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or taking any further action. This is done to protect your information.

Other important information

27. Use of the site by children:

Our products and services are not intended for sale or use by children, and we do not direct our marketing efforts towards children.

If you are under 18 years old, you may only use our website with the consent of a parent or guardian.

We collect data from all users and visitors to our website, regardless of their age. We acknowledge that some users and visitors may be children, and they may navigate through different sections of our site, being exposed to relevant on-site marketing.

28. Data Encryption:

We employ Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates to verify our identity in your browser and encrypt any data you provide to us.

Whenever information is transferred between us, you can confirm the secure transmission through SSL by looking for a closed padlock symbol or other trust marks in your browser's URL bar or toolbar.

29. How to Submit Complaints:

If you are unsatisfied with our privacy policy or if you have any complaints, we encourage you to inform us. In the event that a dispute cannot be resolved, we kindly request that you make an effort to engage in good faith with us through mediation or arbitration. Should you have any concerns regarding how we handle your personal information, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). You can do this by visiting https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/. However, we would appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns directly before you approach the ICO.

30. Duration of Personal Data Retention:

Unless stated otherwise in this privacy notice, we retain your personal information only for the duration required to fulfil the services you have requested, comply with applicable laws (including those specified by tax authorities), or support a claim or defence in court.

31. Compliance with Applicable Laws:

We have formulated our privacy policy to adhere to the legal requirements of all countries and jurisdictions where we conduct business. If you believe that our policy fails to meet the standards of your jurisdiction, we value your feedback. However, the decision to use our website ultimately rests with you.

32. Review of this Privacy Policy:

We may periodically update this privacy notice as necessary. The terms applicable to you are those posted on our website on the day you utilise our services. We recommend printing a copy of the policy for your records. If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, please don't hesitate to contact us.


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on May 25, 2018, as the implementation of the EU Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC). In the UK, the rights and obligations introduced by the GDPR are incorporated into the Data Protection Act 2018.